Sunday 12 April 2015

The past few days...

I started this week beyond happy, everything felt like it was falling into place. I was doing well with work, feeling more confident and lined up another interview for May. But then things slowly started falling apart, my Facebook account got hacked so I had to make a new one, the shower broke and then something I didn't expect happened.

Someone who I thought understood me surprised me and not in a good way. I felt let down and a little heartbroken. I had a very bad panic attack, and I was unable to leave the house for 2 days. I'm fine now, happy as I can be. But this person I don't think quite understood how hard it was for me at the time. I can't explain why or when my panic attacks happen and come on, sometimes it is stress related sometimes it just happens. I don't blame this person for anything, and they made the right decision for them and I don't want them to read this and think I am bitching or ranting because I'm really not.

But after a little cry I decided to use this as a new opportunity, no distractions from anything. I made a list of little things to get me through the next month or so. Here it is, another list :P :

  1. I have one month left of uni, it's time to make the most of it.
  2. I have a fantastic family.
  3. My friends are the best I could ever ask for.
  4. I have 3 new tattoos planned for next week! NEXT WEEK!
  5. I will be starting a fantastic job soon and will be independent properly.
  6. My 21st is only a few months away.
  7. I cannot wait for one last blow out at summerball.
  8. I have graduation 
These are just a few small things that are getting me through everything. I am happy! I won't let the little things get me down anymore. 

SO if you see me around with a stupid grin on my face, its because I made myself happy. I am happy with who I am

Love yah 


1 comment:

  1. sometimes things happen to us we just need to find a way to deal with the situation in the best way possible then move forward..stronger... smiling never letting 'them' know they got to you..You are in control never forget that :-)

